If something goes wrong I try to provide a response that helps you detect what went wrong so you can try to do better. Best what can happen is a 500 error code because this indicates it’s my fault and not yours.
Other than that all 4xx error codes indicate an error within the client and I think it’s you that coded that one.
The API will try to give you a hint with a small JSON encoded error message that could look like this:
"error": "Argument 'id' is expected to be an integer in a specific range."
HTTP error codes returned
400 Bad Request
Your request was malformed most likely the value of a Filter was not set according to the Data Type that is expected.
403 Restricted Resource
You tried to access a resource that exists, but is not available for you. This can happen for the following reasons:
the resource is only available to authenticated clients.
the resource is only available to clients with a paid subscription.
the resource is not available in the API version you are using.
429 Too Many Requests
You exceeded your allowed requests per minute/day depending on API version and your user status. Look at Request Throttling for more information.